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(337) 494-0280

(337) 494-BOAT

(337) 494-7277 (FAX)




The purpose of this plan is to describe the actions to be taken in an emergency to make sure that all the children and staff of this center are kept from harm.  The safety and well being of children and staff shall always take priority over all other considerations.


Following the listed instructions in sequential order to help to prioritize notification of emergency response and to limit escalation and injury during the initial impact of the situation.


Our Center Address is:               1639 Ryan Street

                                   Lake Charles, La 70601


Our Center Phone number is:       337-494-0280, 433-2628


State Licensing number:              1225-342-9905


National Emergency Child Locator Center (NECLC) 1-866-908-9572 or 1800-588-9822


Primary Evacuation for building evacuation:

       The Dream Center/ FEMA Center (337) 302-0218

       1701 Ryan Street, Lake Charles, La 70601

       Contact Person: Joe Banks (337) 263-5449


Secondary Evacuation for Area evacuations:

       Locke Park Pavilion / Stephanie Smith (337) 540-9916

       Parks and Recreation Ryan Street

       Lake Charles, La 70601


Out of area evacuation contact:

       NACCRRA- 1st Years- Paula Granger

       (337) 332-8551 or (337) 342-7726




--A copy of this plan will be kept in the office in the Emergency Plan Binder, in the Emergency pack located in the office, and in each classroom.


--This plan will be reviewed annually by the director for accuracy and updated as changes occur.


--All staff will be given a copy of this plan and reviewed twice per year.  All new hires will receive evacuation training upon hire.


--The enter and dismissal log must be checked in each situation to assure the children are accounted for.  The teacher is each classroom is to take their attendance log.  Stephanie Smith, Carolyn Batchan, Shanna Ray, or Rosa Marquez will take the emergency pack (located in the office).






--Ship’s Ahoy is located at 1639 Ryan Street.  It is a three story building. The playground is fenced in.


--This center could be affected by hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, flooding, technological hazards, criminal acts and hazardous materials incidents on Interstate 10.


--List of Staff and emergency numbers will be attached in binder.


--List of children with emergency numbers and individuals authorized for pick up will be in grey safety box and in binder.


--The primary staff persons will be all teachers.  The director, assistant director and kitchen manager are considered secondary staff persons.


--Depending on the type of emergency, Stephanie Smith/ Carolyn Batchan/ Shanna Ray will decide whether to shelter in place or evacuate the whole enter.  If the neighborhood has to be evacuated, the children will be taken to Locke Park under the pavilion.  Parents and guardians will be notified to pack up their children.



Tornado or Severe Weather

In the event of inclement weather, all the center’s staff members are instructed to take the children to the center hallway of the daycare, follow the Tornado Drill Procedures, and wail until the parent’s pick up their children.


Shelter in Place

Shelter in place means that the staff and all children in the daycare will remain in the building.  Shelter in place can be used in emergencies such as severe storms, tornado warnings, and hazardous chemical incidents. Windows and doors will be firmly closed and checked for soundness.  If a storm gets very strong and windows are threatened, children and staff will be moved into the middle hallway of the facility.  In the event of hazardous chemical, window and doors will be shut and all fans, air conditioners and ventilators will be turned off.  Cloth will be stuffed around gaps and bottom of doors.  The center will stay in Shelter in Place until all clear is given by the authorities.


Lock Down

In the event of an intruder or other attack on the center, the code word is to be given.  The doors and window will be checked and locked, curtains to be closed.  The staff members shall account for all children and make sure that no one leaves the room. The children are to be moved to the corner of their room away from all windows.  Notify the correct authorities and follow the lock down procedures until the event has ended.





The caregiver(s) will place the infants into an emergency crib and exit the rear exit and proceed down the north sidewalk to designated area.



The caregiver(s) will exit the main entrance /exit and proceed down the north sidewalk to designated area.



The caregiver(s) will exit the main entrance /exit and proceed down the north sidewalk to designated area.



The caregiver(s) will exit the rear exit and proceed down the north sidewalk to designated area.


Evacuation to off site location:

In the event we are unable to re-enter the facility; we will evacuate to our off site location across the street at the Event Center in the gym.  It is located on Ryan and East. The children will walk across the street at cross walk and wait for parents in the gym for pick up.


Children with special needs:

Two years and younger will be placed in an evacuation crib and transported with the infants, under the care of the infant teachers.  Children with special needs over the age of two will be transported with their class; the teacher will push the wheel chair if necessary.  A specific plan will be made for each child with special needs as they enter the facility and placed in the emergency binder and given to the teachers responsible for their care.





If there is sufficient warning and it is safe to do so, childcare programs should strive to reunite children with their parents or guardians before the event occurs. 

Ship’s Ahoy will close 48 hours upon notice of any natural or man made disaster.

If an emergency response is required the program should:

  1. Place child's name and parents' name on sticky and place on the child.
  2. Assign an individual (each child's teacher and asst. teacher) to be responsible for each child's safety during the event.
  3. Keep parents informed when children are evacuated from the facility to a nearby or distant location.


-Ensure there are multiple phone numbers for family members including home, cell, and work phone numbers for both parents and guardians and other to whom the child can be released.


-Ensure parents and guardians have designated in writing the relatives or friends to which children can be released after a disaster, including one or more individuals outside the area.


-Inform parents in advance where the children will be taken if an evacuation is required.


-Ensure they have the phone number of a family member or trusted friend out of the area such as a grandparent or other relative who can be contacted to locate the parents.


-Establish an 800(toll-free) or other emergency number for the program outside the area than parents can contact to learn where their child or children have been relocated.


-Take and maintain a current digital photo of each child enrolled in the program that can be used if it is necessary to post the child’s photo to aid in reunification; with the parents’ permission email a copy of the photo files to a location outside the area for use in reuniting children with their parents during a disaster.


-Become familiar with National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System(NEFRLS) and the National Emergency Child Locator Center and the American Red Cross systems which have been developed to help reunite families who are separated during a disaster.



A building evacuation would require children to go to the primary location:

PRIMARY LOCATION:  The Dream Center/ FEMA Center, (337)263-5449 Ryan Street, Lake Charles, La 70601 (Across the street from Ship’s Ahoy Children’s Academy in the gymnasium)        


An area evacuation would require children to go to the secondary location:

SECONDARY LOCATION:  Locke Park Pavilion, (337) 540-9916 Ryan Street, Lake Charles, La 70601 (walk down Bilbo Street and across over S. Ryan to the Pavilion)